Improving the Lives of Many
At Italians Feed America, we’re collecting food to redistribute, raising funds and promoting initiatives to help those who need it most. Italians are a big part of American history, during the Covid-19 outbreak, Chef Fabrizio Facchini decided to call his friends, food suppliers, his networks to make this happen creating an organization where Italians, Italian-Americans and Italian Food Lovers can get together to help communities, people in needs and America. With an array of fundraising events and volunteer projects, we welcome you to join our endeavors aimed at making the world a better place. Many were the firsts to respond and part of our Team: Rocco DiSpirito, Elisabeth Falkner, Dominick Purnomo, Roberto Caporuscio, Cesare Casella, Michele Mazza, Raffaele Solinas and many others, meat our Team Board of Directors (click here). Read on and contact us to learn how you can become part of the change.
We Make It Easy to Help Others
Italians Feed America, located in the heart of New York, is a charitable nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those in need. With the dedication of our volunteers, staff members, and partners, we strive to improve the lives of everyone who needs help within the community. Contact us to see what you can do to bring about positive change.
Italian Community is a big actor in the US history since centuries, America counts more than 16 Millions of Italian America and Millions of Immigrants Italians who came during last decades, Italy and USA have a strong relationship, that's one of the reason why this organization is born. Italians Feed America regroup Chefs, Restaurateurs, Food Retailers - Producers - Distributors, National and International Organizations - Institutions, Italians - Italian Americans & Italian Food Lovers networks and communities.
"I wanted to create this organization long time ago using my networks, helping communities - families & kids - homeless... America welcomed me, gave to my family and me opportunities as it happened for many Italians and Immigrants. I think we all need to give as we received. Covid 19 Outbreak gave me the push to take my phone and call friends, food suppliers, insitutions, colleagues and many others to create and make it happen. Being involed in other nonprofits such Slow Food , AICNY & ADGI, I use my experience to serve Italians Feed America. Jose Andres gave me also inspiration and energy . Fabrizio Facchini, Founder"
Meet our Partners (click here)
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent van Gogh

Rai Replay Italia Con Voi Fabrizio Facchini Interview

Italians Feed America New York City
Get in touch with Italians Feed America to discover more about our work and how to donate. We thank you for your support.
New York, NY